Optimizing Brain Health
Through Neurotherapy



A Natural Supplement for Clinical Psychology

Today's society looks at self-care more than in the past. Mental and physical wellness seem to increase with self-care. This is where neurofeedback can assist. Research indicates that emotional/mental wellness begets physical wellness. 

Whether you live with symptoms of ADD, ADHD, brain injury, depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction, insomnia, Autism Spectrum, and want to increase energy, enhance performance or engage positively in relationships, neurofeedback retrains your brain to respond in a more ideal way. With neurofeedback, you can avoid undergoing invasive treatments, and in some cases lessen or discontinue certain prescription drugs. It can decrease mental fog after general anesthesia. Lift IQ scores. Help with college entrance exams. Stave off cognitive decline. Essentially taking any weight off a person's plate will increase energy. It's a natural way to treat condition you may have, helping you live a healthier and more pleasant life.


Dr. Joe Dispenza
Jen is an authorized instructor of Dr. Dispenza's meditations & cognitive restructuring methods.


Dr. Joe Dispenza is an international instructor of meditation and cognitive restructure. His research team investigates the profound correlation between meditating and wellness. Having finished his three month training for health care practitioners, I am an authorized to share his material with individual clients. Scientific advancements are driving people towards meditation because now we see evidence about the benefits. As of Summer 2024 there were approxiomately 300 worldwide authorized providers of this method with over 3,000 practitioners on the waiting list.  Teachings include science based materials that enhance meditation practice and strategies to transform your life in ways not typically taught.

For instance, did you know that pairing positive emotions (such as gratitude or love) with intention (such as health or wholeness), can introduce the body to large shifts that lead to positive outcomes? Research indicates thoughts and emotions carry physiological components. This means we can change our bodies with our thoughts. In essense, we become what we think. Dr. Joe's methods teach people how to reframe their thoughts towards creation instead of survival. His teachings are clear and concise. 

While there is no substitute for Dr. Joe's live events, you can learn a great deal through his website, which offers programs, meditations, and lectures. Those who have gone through his healthcare practitioner program, which is in addition to his weeklong live events, and is a program that must be applied for, gained deeper knowledge about his methodologies for changing your life. It is the expressed interest of Dr. Joe to share this growing body of research with healthcare providers, clients, and patients. These are amongst the most exciting and profound teachings I have experienced. 

Buddhist Mysticism and Qigong 

Another area of teaching I can offer is from a three year Buddhist Mysticism course ending in March of 2025. Through this course I will become a Budhhist Lama. These teaching show how to enter deep meditative states and mystical realms. Through the practice of Qigong and Buddhist mysticism, both which are based in quantum physics, we can dive into dimensions only imagined. These techniques are incredibly powerful and restorative. Dr. Dispenza's and Dr. Johnson's techniques have common ground with quantum physics. The master I am learning from is Professor Jerry Johnson, who is licensed as a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (D.T.C.M.) in Beijing, China, by the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Health. Through his instruction I am being qualified to teach Buddhist Mystical meditations and share tenets from ancient lineage. Together, Dr. Dispenza's and Dr. Johnson's teachings have brought me to heights I never fathomed. Indeed life long learning, I am hooked and absolutely committed to sharing the information with others.

About Us

Dr. Jen Cosmas started her training in counseling and clinical psychology back in 1994. Her practice in neurotherapy, AKA neurofeedback or EEG biofeedback, trains the brain to function more efficiently, resulting in positive physical, emotional, and mental outcomes. 

Jen uses a comprehensive approach when training clients by incorporating traditional talk-and-behavior-focused educational psychology with neurofeedback to further address her clients' issues. Together we tackle the intake assessment, which includes information gathering, creation of four goals for your protocols, answering 90 Brain Paint generated questions to see which protocol is the optimal starting place, and take measurement of your EEG for Brain Paint to customize your protocol.

About 15 minutes of each session includes information gathering to generate the protocol and and has a therapeutic component. Jen believes growth comes from thorough care and will be the only practitioner you see. She stays in the office for the duration of your neurofeedback session. She does not farm them out to technicians, thus able to answer questions and give advisement while acting as your personal cheerleader. I know the value of rooting for people. And people of all ages benefit from cheering while orchestrating their futures. 

An avid meditator herself, Jen has been in a three year course in Buddhist Mysticism, which teaches Qigong type of meditations based in quantum physics. In 2025 she will be certified as a Buddhist Lama, which means she has developed deep understanding for the practice of meditation and how it effects comprehensive wellness. This class avails her to teach the methods. Additionally, Dr. Cosmas has taken a three month training course through the Dr. Joe Dispenza organization. As an authorized instructor for Dr. Dispenza's meditation and cognitive restructuing techniques, Jen can assist people in learning how to meditate through guided imagery. These offerings can be in conjunction with neurofeedback sessions or separate.

In order to properly address issues, investigative diagnostics are required. The comprehensive clinical interviews provide her with a wealth of information, ensuring the best help possible. Multiple packages are available. Reach out to Dr. Cosmas to learn more.

Learn More About Neurotherapies


Thank you for your interest. Please reach out with questions or comments using the information below. I look forward to hearing from you. 

26485 Carmel Rancho Blvd. Suite 9, Carmel, CA 93923

Service Area
Monterey Peninsula in California.

$300 Intake- Two hour meeting with goal setting, 90 software driven questions, first EEG for protocol. 

$120- Each one hour neurofeedback session in the office

$120- Any one hour service of therapeutic nature, custom meditation, meditation training for  Dr. Joe Dispenza or Buddhist Mysticism. Phone or Zoom possible

$60- Any half hour service in person, phone or Zoom. 

Jen Cosmas, Psy.D
(408) 898-6685